How to introduce a quote from someone
How to introduce a quote from someone

  • Although they have stopped short of admitting that smoking causes cancer in humans, tobacco companies have admitted that "smoking causes cancer in laboratory rats" (p.
  • Lucci compares the house prices in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia (author's last name, year, p.
  • Whiley rejects the idea that the earth could have been formed by a massive explosion in space (author's last name, year, p.
  • Johnson refutes allegations that his personal finances have been in trouble for the past five years (author's last name, year, p.
  • Jefferson claims that banning smoking in public places will hurt America's economy (author's last name p.#).
  • Though bar owners disagree, Johnston maintains that banning smoking in all public places will not negatively affect bar business (author's last name p.#).
  • Still, tobacco company executives insist that they "were not fully aware of the long term damages caused by smoking" when they launched their nationwide advertising campaign (author's last name p.#).
  • Rosentrhaw emphasizes that "second-hand smoke can kill" (p.#).
  • The author cautions that "people who subject themselves to smoky bars night after night could develop illnesses such as emphysema or lung cancer" (p.#).
  • Vick asserts that "cigarette smoke is unpleasant, and dangerous" (p.#).
  • The author argues that "subjecting non-smokers to toxic second-hand smoke is not only unfair, but a violation of their right to a safe environment" (p.#).
  • Despite criticism, Johnston agrees that smoking should be banned in all public places (author's last name p.#).
  • Stronger Verbs: These verbs indicate that there is some kind of argument, and that the quote shows either support of or disagreement with one side of the argument.
  • Jostin's research confirmed his earlier hypothesis: mice really are smarter than rats (author's last, year, name p.
  • His research shows that 7% of Americans suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder (author's last name, year, p.
  • Julia Hertz responded to allegations that her company was aware of the faulty tires on their cars (author's last name, year, p.
  • Folsh points out that there were hundreds of people from varying backgrounds at the convention (author's last name, year, p.
  • The author thinks that the recent weather has been too hot (author's last name, year, p.
  • The author suggests that we hone our English skills before venturing into the work force (author's last name, year, p.
  • Jones acknowledges that although the divorce rate is increasing, most young children still dream of getting married (author's last name, year, p.
  • He also mentions, "Many children grow up feeling responsible for their parents' mistakes" (p.
  • The author states that "More than fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce" (p.
  • Forton expresses disapproval of the American welfare system (author's last name, year, p.
  • The author reveals his true feelings with his ironic remark that we should "just resort to cannibalism to defeat world hunger" (p.
  • Danelli explains, "All mammals have hair" (p.#).
  • After the war is over, the General reports that "It seemed a useless battle to fight even from the start" (p.#).
  • The article discusses the qualities of a good American housewife in the 1950s (author's last name p.#).
  • Godfried remarks, "Ignorance is a skill learned by many of the greatest fools" (author's last name p.#).
  • The author declares, "All people, rich or poor, should pay the same taxes to the government" (p.
  • Goeff then relates that his childhood was "the time he learned to live on less than bread alone" (p.
  • We see this self doubt again in the second scene, when Agatha comments, "Oh, times like this I just don't know whether I am right or wrong, good or bad" (p.
  • Patel observes that "most people tend to respond well to hypnotherapy" (p.
  • Burdow believes that being able to write using proper English grammar is an important skill (author's last name p.#).
  • As the author notes, "In an ideal classroom, both gifted children and learning disabled children should feel challenged" (p.#).
  • Billow says that being exposed to television violence at a young age desensitizes children to violence in real life (author's last name p.#). Neutral Verbs: When used to introduce a quote, the following verbs basically mean "says" Examples of Neutral Verbs Words that introduce Quotes or Paraphrases are basically three keys verbs: For more information on MLA Style, APA style, Chicago Style, ASA Style, CSE Style, and I-Search Format, refer to our Gallaudet TIP Citations and References link. Remember that you are required to cite your sources for paraphrases and direct quotes.
  • Strategies for Taking Cloze Reading Tests.

  • How to introduce a quote from someone